RG Check Gold Standard: Reaching New Heights

At its core, RG Check is intentional and trusted.

We know that as the gambling industry evolves, our accreditation metrics must also be updated. The RG Check seal is the undisputed symbol of an operator having the highest standards in place. It is with this in mind, that from time to time, RG Check undergoes a review of standards and metrics to ensure we are evaluating based on the realities of the gambling industry and global best practices.

RG Check has been enhanced to provide land-based venues and iGaming sites with a more relevant set of indicators that are not only performance-driven but also focused on the responsible management of key problem gambling risks. With advancements in industry innovations and emerging trends, RG Check is more solutions-driven than ever before.

With advancements in industry innovations and emerging trends, RG Check is more solutions-driven than ever before.


New accreditations and re-accreditations will see the introduction of these updates while maintaining RG Check’s comprehensive process.

Informed by research, consultation, and an internal review, both our land-based and iGaming accreditation programs have been updated to provide you with increasingly meaningful and relevant recommendations in the final report so that your results can be used as a valuable source of continuous improvement.

iGaming: Integrating online sports betting & lottery 

RG Check’s enhanced online accreditation standards turned challenges into opportunities. By looking at areas unique to online gambling such as Accounts and Payment and Stakeholder Engagement as new standard areas, we can focus on providing more meaningful, relevant, and actionable recommendations. 

As online gambling offerings and sports betting continue to expand globally, it is more important than ever that sites have the right RG policies and programs in place to provide player education and effective safeguards for the prevention and mitigation of gambling harms for this unique player base. 

RG Check Standards for iGaming sites has tackled this expansion by integrating online sports betting and lottery offerings into its assessment to better reflect an omnichannel reality and provide operators with recommendations to navigate the nuances and challenges of responsible gambling that exist with emerging and new platforms. In addition to the areas of enhancements to RG Check standards made to land-based, the update to RG Check for iGaming involved adding two new standard areas.

New Standard Areas

Learn more about RG Check’s iGaming standards and criteria.


Have questions about the process or looking to begin your accreditation?


Land-based: Raising the bar  

RG Check Standards for land-based venues maintains its robust, rigorous, and comprehensive assessment and increases its value as both a monitoring tool and driver of continuous improvement. The majority of content changes relate to the following three key areas of enhancement: 

Areas of Enhancement

Learn more about RG Check’s land-based standards and criteria. 


Have questions about the process or looking to begin your accreditation?


All of these enhancements to RG Check enable operators to drive performance, manage key risks and identify emerging issues.

RG Check continues to work collaboratively with regulators, audit and compliance functions for alignment and sharing of information to support operators in effectively evaluating, monitoring and managing their entire RG Program. Our commitment is to maintain focus on site-level impacts that positively affect player experience and build a strong RG culture.

Have questions about the process or looking to begin your accreditation?

Contact Us